When lodging a partner visa, the best way to prove the ‘nature of your household’ is to demonstrate how you share your responsibilities at home. From providing copies of your internet and gas bill to describing your daily routine picking up your children from school, there are types of evidence that you certainly do not want to miss.
A lot of evidence for this criteria will come from your statutory declarations (or relationship statements). Who does the cleaning? Who does the cooking? Do you go grocery shopping together?
Genuine, Ongoing Relationship Evidence
The Department will always be looking for evidence that you and your significant other are in a genuine, stable and ongoing relationship. When it comes to proving the ‘nature of the household’, there is no one size fits all. If you and your partner own an apartment together, for example, then submitting a document attesting joint ownership is a good idea. If you rent your place, then consider attaching copies of rent payments, letters and emails exchanged by you and your partner with your landlord, as proof of your household arrangement.
Do you own a car or are paying a lease together? If so, attach a copy of your lease agreement to your visa application – the agreement or, at least your payment bills and receipts, would ideally bear both your names.
Other evidence you may want to consider are regular correspondence, phone and electricity bills, Netflix, Foxtel, and even your gym memberships. In an ideal scenario, all these would be addressed to and show both your and your partner’s name on them as well.
What does your day-to-day life look like?
Demonstrating your life routine is also an excellent way to prove the nature of your household. Consider including a statement regarding housework responsibilities. If you have children, this couldn’t be more relevant. Who is responsible for dropping off and picking up the kids from school? Who is in charge of signing off correspondence and permission for school excursions? What do the financial aspects of the relationship look like? Does the money going towards paying for your kids’ school come out of a joint bank account? How about swimming lessons and other after-school activities? Consider including bank statements to your application. Your best bet is to provide documents that prove joint responsibilities for your children and for your home as a whole. True partnership.
The more detail you provide, the better. It is important that you strive for accuracy and consistency.
If you would like a complete checklist of evidence that you should provide, check out the DIY Partner Visa Guide.
For checklists, templates, guidance and advice on exactly what evidence you should include (as well as the rest of the partner visa application) check out our exclusive DIY Partner Visa Guide.